NUsport, through our programs, facilities and network of affiliated clubs, is uniquely positioned to enhance the physical and mental wellbeing of our students, staff and wider community.

Throughout its history NUsport has grown and succeeded because it understands and adds value to the role that sport and recreation plays within the University of Newcastle and the wider community. It has worked with students and staff of the University of Newcastle, sporting authorities and groups and with the wider community to promote sport as an essential part of life.


It extends boundaries, cultivates supportive networks, celebrates success, and encourages growth.  Through sport, we are given permission to challenge, to fail, to learn and to achieve.


To inspire healthier communities as the provider of premier sport, health and fitness services.


To enable the University of Newcastle and the wider community to actively participate and realise the benefits of sport, health and wellbeing, powered by excellence, knowledge and research.

Download our Strategic Plan 2021 – 2023, Moving Ahead

Our Executive Management team are qualified and experienced fitness and health professionals.

A combination of experience, industry training and education supports our team. They are qualified, many with University qualifications, and they are members of peak representative bodies and groups.

Brendan Barrett

Chief Executive Officer

Lori Parish

Human Resources Manager

Sally Hinchey

Director Customer Engagement

The NUsport Board of Directors is a group of highly respected people who represent various stakeholder groups of the organisation.


The Board is responsible for the performance of NUsport and defines the organisational purpose, sets the long-term strategic direction; and oversees strategic implementation.

The Board regularly reviews NUsport's financial management and administration structure, monitors management's performance and is responsible for ensuring the accountability of directors and management.

The Board is responsible for the good governance of the company including employee relations and standards of service to members and other clients. It is responsible for the company's compliance with its statutory responsibilities, acts as the custodian of the University's sporting culture, traditions and history and, where appropriate, seeks to effect change.

The Board reports on its activities to the Members of NUsport and the University Council. NUsport is a Controlled Entity of The University of Newcastle.

The Board has established five (5) committees to assist it to meet its roles and obligations. These are Audit; Clubs; Finance; Infrastructure & Planning and Personnel. The NUsport Student Sports Advisory Committee advises the Board on matters pertaining to student sport and recreation.

Directors of NUsport:

Nathan Towney (Chair), Dianne Allen (Secretary), Colin Sanctuary (Board Member), Gabriella Sainsbury (Board Member), Jennifer Leslie (Board Member), Jesse Wills (Board Member), Kent Anderson (Board Member), Mitchell Purvis (Board Member), Morven Cameron (Board Member).

NUsport plays an important role in the University community.

Therefore, we support the University's code of conduct for promoting a respectful and collaborative workplace. We also engage with other areas of the University to deliver a Healthy University strategy and encourage our staff to collaborate with other University staff under this initiative.
If a University of Newcastle student believes they are being bullied or witness bullying at the University they can contact Campus Care or the Complaints Office.

NUsport is proud to manage the only Fitness Australia Quality Accredited Business in the region.

The Fitness Australia Quality Accreditation program is based on a culture of continuous quality improvement and business development to raise the standards and credibility within the Fitness Industry.

At NUsport we pride ourselves on being an industry leader.