Celebrating naidoc week
Student athletes from the Wollotuka Institute - Jarrod (Basketball), Leroy (Athletics) and Alyssa (Soccer).
20 ways to celebrate:
NAIDOC Week 2022 is being celebrated from 3-10 July 2022 around Australia.
The Team at NUsport acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of the land in which the University resides and pay our respects to Elders past, present and emerging. We extend this acknowledgement to the Awabakal people of the land in which the Callaghan campus resides and which we work.
National NAIDOC Week celebrations are held across Australia in the first week of July each year (Sunday to Sunday), to celebrate and recognise the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. NAIDOC Week is an opportunity for all Australians to learn about First Nations cultures and histories and participate in celebrations of the oldest, continuous living cultures on earth.
No matter whether you celebrate at home or in community, there are lots of ways you can honour the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples this NAIDOC Week.
Below are 20 great ideas to help you celebrate NAIDOC Week 2022.
- Virtually attend one of the many of the online events available in the NAIDOC Week Official Calendar
- Download and display this year’s NAIDOC Week poster or look through the previous poster gallery.
- Call someone in your community to have a chat about this year’s theme ‘Get Up! Stand up! Show Up!’ and what it means to you
- Watch special NAIDOC Week programming on SBS/NITVand ABC
- Learn more about the Country on which you live and work using the AIATSIS Map of Indigenous Australia
- Find a book to read, written and published by Indigenous authors and illustrators through Magabala Books or suggest one for your next book club
- Check out some music and podcasts from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander creators on Indigitube.
- Take a look at how you can support Indigenous businesses through the Supply Nation Indigenous Business Direct.
- Learn more about how deliver an Acknowledgement of Country
- Find out more about the history of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander flags and how you can fly them.
- Get creative in the kitchen using Australian bushfood and native ingredients such as kangaroo, macadamia or lemon myrtle.
- Use this year’s theme to connect to Country by going for a walk (if restrictions permit), exercising outside, visiting a local park or gardening.
- Research Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander history or start some family history research.
- Host an online quiz and test the knowledge of your friends and family on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures or histories.
- Be inspired by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander art and crafts or get creative at home.
- Try colouring in the NAIDOC Week poster.
- Consider nominating someone for a National NAIDOC Award. While submissions for the National NAIDOC Awards are currently closed, you can begin preparing nominations for the 2023 awards for when they open later this year.
- Visit the Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander exhibitions of museums and galleries in-person or online.
- Plan your Australian travel bucket list including Indigenous sites of significance or interest.
- Join the conversation online using the NAIDOC Week hashtags #NAIDOC2022, #NAIDOCWeek and #GetUpStandUpShowUp
As we head into this 6-week challenge, we need to move our mindset to look at total movement. You can simply step your way to hit your 10,000 daily target or you can spice things up, try something new, and to get your movement on! It’s more than just steps that will count towards your daily movement tally.
Celebrating naidoc week Student athletes from the Wollotuka Institute – Jarrod (Basketball), Leroy (Athletics) and Alyssa (Soccer). 20 ways to celebrate: NAIDOC Week 2022 is…
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